Silverton, Colorado

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Silverton Camera Company

(970) 946-1797| 116 E 12st Street, Silverton CO 81433| Website
Coffee Shop in the Grand Imiperial Hotel

Silverton Camera Company was established to fill the gap in photographic services in one of Colorado’s premiere photography destinations. Nestled in the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado, we specialize in buying, trading and selling cameras from 1880 to present day. We also provide a wide range of film, including Kodak, Ilford, Fujifilm, Holga and Polaroid. Our flagship retail store in Silverton, Colorado is stocked with a wide selection of professional lenses, starter camera packages, camera and cell phone batteries, chargers, tripods, cases, memory cards, and more! Featured brands include Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Sony and GoPro. We also offer a full range of GoPro accessories. 


 Repair orders can be taken here and processed on average within 2 weeks. Come on by today and pay us a visit, or write to us online if we can help you remotely. We are open 7 days a week from May to October, and the shop is open by appointment only from November-April.